Evaluation of the Kokoda Track Foundation’s Strongim Meri Bisnis Project


Equity Economics has prepared an independent evaluation report on the Kokoda Track Foundation’s (KTF) Strongim Meri Bisnis (SMB) Project. KTF’s SMB Project works with women’s groups in remote and rural communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to establish and support women’s small-business operations.

The project aims to equip women with technical and business skills, access to start-up capital and equipment and supply chains providing them with an opportunity to generate an alternative income.

Equity Economics employed a mixed methods approach to evaluate the program, which found that SMB’s strength is its impact on women’s lives, with ‘women’s empowerment’ scoring most highly among the selected criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and women’s empowerment.


The report found that the program is effectively:

  • Increasing access to income generating opportunities for women;

  • Increasing access to education and products related to menstrual health; and

  • Increasing the understanding that women can lead, organise, make money and run a successful business, thereby enhancing women’s empowerment.

Equity Economics recommends:

  • Careful section of communities where women leaders are strong, groups are well organised and markets relatively robust

  • Closer consideration of the product and its marketability;

  • Greater investment in identifying bulk buyers; and

  • Consideration of how groups can sustainably manage their income.

Read the full report

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